Sunday, December 21, 2008


Random: I've been watching (on and off) a David Bowie documentary on VH1 Classic, and he just started singing a song with a repetitive refrain that sounds like "sucking your titty". I'm hoping I heard wrong.

As for WHY I suddenly have VH1 Classic (joy to the world), our house recently got wired for FiOS. This means:

1) free long distance on the house phone (don't even ask why we JUST got this)

2) super fantastically fast internet and

3) a million and one channels, 15 of them HD. Now mind you, a chunk of them are going away in 90 days (introductory "let's-see-if-you'll-forget-and-not-
notice-the-extra-$50-on-the-bill scheme), but surprisingly basic cable includes a lot of channels we've never had before. Such as 3 different MTV channels (that ACTUALLY play videos), Style Network, and unedited/undubbed news from 6 different countries (because yes, I like watching French news IN French). I don't watch tv a lot, but believe me, I'll be enjoying the 4 HBO and 3 Stars channels while they last.

I guess I'm telling you all of this to say, if i suddenly drop off the face of the earth, it's because I'm watching rock videos from the 90's. What can I say, I love flannel.

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